Go First!

On the first day of a college class years ago, I sat down next to a fellow student.

After a few moments of silence, I turned and introduced myself to him. 

That simple introduction started a chain of events that shaped my entire life.

  • We became good friends.
  • He gave me my first job in the IT field.
  • Where I met my awesome wife that I have two beautiful kids with.
  • Where I met more incredible people who believed in me.
  • Where I grew professionally and became a CIO. 

That single event taught me a valuable life lesson.

Go First.

Most people wait for the other person to make the first move. They wait for the other person to say hello first, to introduce themselves first. They might be shy, or reserved, or they think the other person isn’t interested in meeting them.

Don’t be one of those people.

Be the one who goes first.

Always be the first to say hello, to make eye contact, to make the connection. You never know what magic might happen. You never know what significant relationship you might form. If nothing else, it will make life a hell of a lot more interesting.

Looking back, if I didn’t introduce myself to my friend in that college classroom long ago…who knows where my life would be.

But I did.

And magic happened.

And I have had an incredible life.


Because I went First.

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